Vitamins & Dietary Supplements

Protein sources

protein sources


Consists of nearly 100 trillion cells, each containing thousands of proteins that need to function properly, and proteins contain 20 types of amino acids, and it is worth noting that proteins play an essential role in building, repairing and strengthening the body’s cells and various functions, such as muscles, bones, skin, hair, and others.

sources of protein

The most important sources of protein

The body can produce some amino acids, can not produce others, and know the amino acids that the body cannot produce with essential amino acids, although they are present in food.

Plant sources may not contain all these amino acids, for example soybeans and quinoa contain all essential amino acids, while red beans or lentils should be combined with rice, or peanut butter with whole bread for full protein, and the most important protein sources are:

Eggs are nutrient-rich foods, as they contain vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and antioxidants, and it is worth noting that a high percentage of protein is concentrated in egg whites.

Chicken breast is one of the most protein-rich foods.

Milk is a source of high nutritional value, as it is rich in calcium, phosphorus and riboflavin.

Beef contains high amounts of protein and is characterized by iron, vitamin B12 and many other nutrients.

Fish of various kinds are among the healthiest foods, as it is a rich source of healthy fatty acids.

Protein benefits

Play a key role in biological processes, and their functions vary greatly by type, and the benefits and functions of protein are: repairing old cells, and building new cells. The formation of hormones, such as insulin. Production of various vectors, such as hemoglobin. The manufacture of enzymes, such as amylase. Important during growth and development for children, young people, and pregnant women. Help with weight loss.

protein nutrition

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